


London: I use several excellent locations in Central London to teach from @ reasonable room-rental: £6 - £12 per hour

Suffolk: from my home in the beautiful Suffolk countryside, 25 minutes north  of Ipswich, accessible via car or train

OR: in a local venue with a wonderful acoustic. Room rate £6 per session

On location: with you, as required, rates upon application



Globally via Zoom. Time-Zone-dependent sessions are timed at 45-50 minutes but may overrun at no extra charge, unless you book/require a double session

Note: There may be too much delay, for a variety of reasons, depending upon the distance to servers and myself. In such a case, teaching will not be possible. Time zone difference will also be a factor as to the practicality of such a connection

Equipment/Technology requirement:

PC/Mac/Laptop/iPad/Tablet (+ email for receiving documents/files)

You will need capacity on your device for the Zoom file/app (around 25-30 MB)

and sufficient RAM to run

Wi-Fi or Ethernet with YouTube access, during a Zoom session

I would suggest a minimum of 64GB HDD and 4GB RAM

The camera does not have to be of high quality. Most are acceptable if your device was purchased fairly recently. We can discuss this

Minimum: All devices with Wi-Fi connectivity + internal microphone + camera

Preferable: Devices with Wi-Fi + external microphone + camera. This can be all-in-one, such as webcams by Microsoft, Logitech or other manufacturers

Optimal: Higher specification device + Ethernet connection + external speakers

+ microphone/webcam + headphones + Audio Interface

What I use to minimise transmission problems


+ ethernet

+ Audio-Interface

+ Raspberry Pi

+ professional 'condenser'  microphones + 2 studio speakers (50 watt)

+ headphones

+ Yamaha Clavinova ‘wired’ directly-online through my Interface

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