There are so many reasons to want singing lessons. Why do you?
“I just want to sing for fun, in private, then maybe in a local choir...”
“I want to sing 'better,' for myself/as a soloist/on stage...”
“I want to be able to sing higher/less shrill/lower/warmer-toned...”
“I’m in a college musical and need help with it...”
“I have an audition in 2 weeks and really need some expert repertoire help...”
“I just want to enjoy the sound of my own voice again...”
All lessons are customized to individual needs
Call me to discuss what you want to achieve
Agree a session-time and venue
At the start of a session we will:
- We will warm-up your breath, body and apparatus appropriate to your level
- We will then exercise and strengthen your
tailor-made to your requirements and then train a song/s, phrases & general repertoire for more advanced singers
- As with all learning, this is a
process. Short-term gains may come quickly or require a few sessions to get you to
'loosen up' to a new 'teacher' or get you used to an exercise routine
- I have many exercises and techniques to work on specific aspects of vocal-training. Certain aspects of a voice may require repetition, concentration of effort and a more disciplined approach, than others
- Whilst there is no suggested period of time for training or evolving a voice, I find that nearly every student responds instantly to my input
- As you become familiar with my
(see Method/Method 2), we can quickly train the technique and maybe give more time to interpretation and the 'artistic' side of singing, over-coming any technical or interpretative challenges
- A 'session' will last for 50 minutes or a little longer: if I feel that I need the time to be sure that the 'lesson' has been learned. At no extra cost to you. You may also book 2 sessions back to back
- Always ask questions. Make sure that you understand. I will check that you do. I may -only with your permission-
place hands on areas associated with diaphragmatic response; also, place your hands on my diaphragm to demonstrate. This is
the proven way to speed-up the learning process. It never ceases to amaze both myself and a client, just how important the physical demonstration of the singing apparatus is; how it improves understanding and accelerates 'learning.'